What is the Reason That Sharif Hassan Has Nominated Unsuitable Governor For The Most Outraged Region in Somalia


Mohamed Ibrahim Barre and Ali Nuure Mohamed

It has became much the attention of Lower Shabbelle communities the recent distractive and madness nomination from Sharif Hassan , ISWA president to the Governor of Lower Shabelle. Many are not surprised the way Sharif Hassan is usually behaving but they are worried to know that Sharif Hassan is riding a high speed truck without breaks and not knowing where it will be its final destination!

But, one of the most important issue to know for the past two weeks in Lower Shabelle is that who is the news governor that Sharif Hassan nominated recently? The new Lower Shabelle Governor is Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim Barre (left) the picture, illiterate, former driver of warlord and criminal Ali Nuur Mohamed (right) – the smuggled deputy Governor for security issues of the region. Mohamed Ibrahim is also nephew of warlord and criminal Yusuf Siyaad Indhacadde.

The Presidential decree signed by Sharif Hassan through which he has nominated the new governor is controversial. Point two of the decree states that “having considered the importance for ISWA to find a Governor” sounds like the region was without governor and yet he-Sharif Hassan has instructed Governor Ibrahim Najah to hand over the property of the Lower shabelle regional office to the new one. And in point three of his decree Sharif Hassan stated “having heard the advice of the Minister of Interior and Municipality” hardly telling the truth; he has been advised by his close advisors (the interest group).

Interest group includes Ali Nuure Maxamed – Habargidir Eyr (lower shabelle deputy governor), Abdinaasir Aabdi Aaruush – habargidir Eyr (ISWA Minister of planning and foreign relations) and other influential members of his cabinet.

This interest group have decided and advised Sharif Hassan to replace the previous governor with illiterate driver because of reasons better known by them, but the community can quite guess and will come out very soon whatever they implement, atrocities, robbery and land grabbing especially behind and with the pretext of false and fake agricultural developmental projects.

The other issue is that, Sharif Hassan doesn’t want any Somali National Army recruited from Lower Shabelle local people because he is in agreement with the occupying SNA tribal militia of Habargidir with whom he is fishing.

We, the intellectual of SWS Somalia are very concerned about Sharif Hassan’s brutal policy and strategy towards the South West Somalia specially Lower Shabelle Region. Sharif Hassan seems is pushing the region in a deep dark, a hole filled with fire that no one would be survived in the future including his close followers, if not stopped soon.

But the other unfortunate is that Mr. Sharif Hassan has only personal interest and not having a single vision for good governance and well being of the SW communities. He has a brutal relations with who ever can save his ambition of presidential seat in ISWA. He has a shift relations with Somali Prime Minster Hassan Kheye and President Farmajo, as recently they used him as ” gangster politician” for his highly involvement to the April 2018 overthrow for former PM speaker, Prof. Jawaari. Sharif Hassans politics can be defined as the most distractive political system in Somalia. There are also some reports abot his distractive positions infected also some of IGAD officers in Nairobi and Somalia, where he was reported bribes IGAD to support his power to be remained next term.

We, Lower Shabbelle Intellectual’s Union, appeal to the International community involved to Somali stability and development programmes to distance from this outrageous inhuman policy of Sharif Hassan before it became too late. Any thing that UN, International agencies and Donor countries invested would only be purchased weapons that is used to abuse, kill and take their lives, property and land of Lower Shabelle Communities.

Therefore, the community of Lower Shabbele are facing the most autarchical leadership they have ever experienced in their live. History will write all the politicians, UN Officer , private companies and the Somali Federal Government leaders those are witness these daily abuse and human rights violation happening in Lower Shabbelle but their answer became ”Saying no words agains Lower Shabbele oppression”. Lastly, the Lower Shabbele Intellectuals Union are very disappointed about the nomination of the recent governor, a young driver who has no the right education nor experience to lead one of the most oppressed regions in Somalia. We believe he is guilty, and only will be used as a tool to punish his community. The new governor is unconscious and he is none existence object given empty responsibility again, where responsibility is black marketed to others and away from the indigenous, the right people of Lower Shabbelle.

Mo’allim Ali Hassan
Lowershabelle Intellectuals Union
Midowga AqoonayhanadaGobolka Shabeelaha Hoose