Mohamed Abdinur (a.k.a. ‘Madeer’) vowed to kill or assassinate anyone from the Digl-Mirifle clan who tries to create a demonstration similar to the one against his older brother Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden.


madeerThe self-declared president of South-West 3 regional administration Mohamed Abdinur (a.k.a. ‘Madeer’) who resides in US state of Minnesota has been threatening that he would kill anyone from the Digl-Mirifle clan who tries to create demonstrations similar to the one against his older brother Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden. Mohamed Abdinur (a.k.a. ‘Madeer’) has said that he had signed a contract with a known security consultant in Mogadishu named Artan Abdi Ibrahim ‘Bidar’ who is from “Murasade” a sub-clan of Hawiye, who also happens to be a brother in law of Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden.

According to UN Monitoring Group report dated 12 July 2013: Annex 3.4: Spoiler networks and the Somali security services; Mr. Artan Bidar has 25 to 30 armed men and a section of these men is let by one of Mr. Artan’s trusted lieutenants named Fathi Sheikh Muhudin, who is responsible for running 10 hit men team responsible for the assassinations of at least several individuals in Mogadishu such as then airport manager Ibrahim Iman Halane who had provided information to the Monitoring Group about Sharif Hassan diverting taxation revenue from the airport.

Also for the assassination of Mohamed Ali Hussein, the Deputy Director-General of the Ministry of Finance who had worked with Sharif Hassan when he was Minister of Finance and Mohamed Abdinur(a.k.a. ‘Madeer’) serving as the Chief of Staff for then Minister of Finance Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan.

Mr. Artan Bidar had signed a partnership contract regarding the protection of Mohamed Abdinur (a.k.a. ‘Madeer’) and his entourage, with Shino Maolim one of the well-known warlords of Baidoa who is also the same clan (Hadame) of Mohamed Abdinur (a.k.a. ‘Madeer’) and unknown assailant who is described as the chief-lieutenant of AbdiFatah (Geesey) who is also another well-known warlord from Baidoa who is from the same clan of Mohamed Abdinur (a.k.a. ‘Madeer’) mother’s clan (Leysan). Abdifatah (Geesey) is also one of the signatories of Mogadishu accord intended to legitimize Mohamed Abdinur’s (a.k.a. ‘Madeer’) self-declaration of South-West 3 regional administration presidency.

Reports from Somalia indicate that Artan Abdi Ibrahim ‘Bidar’ has already delivered weapons to Shino Maolim and Abdifatah Geesey’s militias in Baidoa where most of the delivered ammunitions are strategically stored in a number of houses in Baidoa belonging to Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan the infamous older brother of  Mohamed Abdinur (a.k.a. ‘Madeer’).

Source From Monitoring Group On Somalia




  1. FBI departmentageda ha lo gudbiyo ninkan waxan dila ku hayo waa nin Mareykan aha.Boto ayuu haya Qof uu dili karo ma jirte Baydhabana mukulal madow ayuu ka yahay DM qori agtoda kama jobsan karo wilaal asaga sandwich ka dhiganayo ayaa jogo dhulka.Dollar benta ah oo la so dabacay yuu beenta ku shegin.

  2. Ninkaan waxa laga qorey ma run baa horta aan isweydiino?

    Haday run tahay waxaan u fahmey inuu leeyahay: Waxaan wacad ku marey in la dili doono qof kasto oo Digil iyo Mirifle ah oo ka soo horjeesto fikrada walaalkissa ka weyn ee Shariif Hassan.

    Ninkani wuxuu sheegay inuu heshiis la galay taliyaha amaanka Muqdisho Artan Murasade.

    Dadka kalena la sheegay oo toban ah in la khaarija

  3. ninkaan arimaha uu wado hadii leeska qabanin dhib weeyn aas u geesyanaa dadka. ma waxuu leeyahay qofkii iga soo horjeesto waala dilaa cajiin

  4. Runahaantii waxa lagu tilmaamay ma’ahan wax run ah ee ka daayaa been abuurka maxaa yeelay hadii madoobe sheegtay dhul aanu degin in uu madaxweyne ka yahay isla markaana aanan la aqoosaneyn maxaad wax uga diyaari weyseen

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