The Unity of Southwest of Sate (six regions) will exist for ever and UNSOM , AMISOM and Damjadiid can not stop!


calankaaynoThe recent UNSOM, AMISOM, Etiopians and Kenyans recognition of Shariif Hassan Administration, South West State (SW3) that is organized and elected in Baidoa Airport is another attempts for political filure in Somalia…. This is also a new type of colonialism in Somalia and it is as well a clear picture that is indicating Somalia people are not deciding their future any more.

It is very sad to know as well there is no longer exist the word or the concept of “Democracy” in Somalia. This is clear that the representative UN Secretary Genaral in Somalia Mr. Nickolas Kay is fully ignored to listen the voices of the majority in southwest sex regions in Somalia (Digil and Mirefle Community), instead he listen the voice of one person (Sharif Hassan) who is clearly used to bribe elders and some of the Digil and Mirifle MPs in Somali parliment to elected himself as Southwest president for three regions Southwest Somalia.

The fact is that, we ar informing the world this bribe politics that is going on in Somalia is responsible UNSOM representive Mr. Nickolas Kay and he is encouring bribe politics in parts of Somalia, Southwest Somalia. This will lead a political and security failure for the future Somalis generations. Mr. Kay, If you are one side saying I am against bribe in Somali parliment, and the other hand you are supporting a politition that is purely made of bribe, please these words are contradicting and we cound not understand what kind of people your are, unless UN is done a big mistake to your position to all Southwest people.

In light of this circumstances, we are again and again informing the UN secretary general, EU and AU to investigate this political SCANDAL that is going on in Somalia, especially Southwest Somalia. We hope that UN Security Council will listen and consider to those leaders that people of Southwest people elected freely wouth out BRIBE. Bribe is the enemey of the development.

Please do not waste the contrubution and support from international communities and to give this capital and manage to the polititions that will use the money to bribe only, they now only how to bribe, they do not have vision and goals for the people they are claiming that they represent . We believe that it is a waste of time, recources and missleading to the tax payers in the world that is paying this support and they have no idea how their support is used.

Therefore, we, Voice of Southwest People are saying to the UN security council to look this matter seriously and come with another plan before it is became too late. We are also informing the world, the unity of Southwest people is vital to the future of Somali goverment that have support of the people.

Voice of Southwest People – Six Regions.
Cabdi Sheeq, Speaker of Southwest (SW6) People


  1. Idealists never had been good Politicians,
    and you know, you can´t Swim against the Tide
    Empty dreams and Seniments did´t help our people,if you think wisely and have a good vision on the Horizon,you can have Six Regions,in the Future Elections,if you prepare yourself
    to the 2016 Elections,and that you can do only if you have a funtioning Regional State,not Barricading yourself behind the walls of A.D.C.

  2. Mr/abdi sheeq,spaeker of south west state six regions,please listening my think,now i read your statement about made of three regions,upto now we have a good chance only i want for you to support the struggle against colonialism with continiouslly in lower shabeelle becouse the after success your struggle of home land i beleife every thing with politically in your hand.

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