In Support Of The Elders In Baidoa


 calankaaynoWe, the Diaspora community members in the US and Canada:

Conscious of the peoples wish and desire to form a federal unit with their erstwhile brethren in the entire south west region of Somalia

Aware of the current political impasse in Baidoa with regard to the political vision and association into one federal entity

Do stand firm in solidarity with the council of elders who have demonstrated their wish and by extension that of the community.

The following is our suggestions

1)    We concur and support the council of Elders decision to stand firm. We call upon the elders not to compromise without valid reasons the peoples wish and their collective decision to institute Koonfur Galbeed (KG) of 6 south West regions of Somalia

2)    Maintain and sustain the gains thus far achieved while being all inclusive. The process should in no way constitute violence, nor should the people be intimidated or forced to submit to political associations contrary and against their aspirations.

3)    We uphold the right of the people in Baidoa to peaceably assemble as means of free speech at a place and time of their determination. We condemn any attempt to silence the peoples through intimidation or coercion.

4)    We call upon the elders, as the legitimate body of the various clans, not to entertain wicked opinions complete with ill motive that goes against your political principle. Your authority and decisions as the grand council of elders is second to none. Any other body or organ that purports to challenge your authority is a threat to the people.

5)    Individuals or groups not aligned with the people’s aspiration deserve no attention. At this critical stage, we advice that all participation by the opposition other than the Federal government and the Juba administration should be suspended.


By The 6 south West Community In Notrh America


  1. DM waxay ilawday inuu arrinka DM isu beddeli doono dhalasho iyo xigsiimo in lagu dhiso maamulada KG,waayo,marnaba ma dhacayso inuu dhulkaasi oo ah 1/3 of Somalia in looga taliyo Baidoa,waayo Baidoa waxa loo beddelay goob ARGAGIXISO SIYAASADEED.
    Sidaasi awgeed Digilka Sh/Hoose waa inuu ka tashada aayahooda,tirakoobka wuxuu sheegaya inuu Sh/Hoose la mid yahay shacab ahaan Bay&Bakool.

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